Lorry Harry, Rheneas, and Sixteen's Boxes
Duncan and 'Arry and Bert's Boxes
Duck, Bill & Ben, and The Fat Controller's Car Boxes
Gold-Rail Edward among other Boxes.
Neil, Bertie, and Godred's Boxes
Old Slow Coach, Bulstrode, and Butch Boxes
S.C. Ruffey, Slate Truck, and Wilbert's Boxes
Limited Edition Gift Pack
Ertl Six-Pack with Coaches, D199, Sir Handel, Rusty, and Sir Topham Hatt's Car
1995 Trevor Packaging (Germany).
James & Percy Miniatures (1993 Packaging)
Thomas with Annie & Clarabel 1993 3-Pack
Dodge Prototype (Owned by ThomasTankMerch)
Prototype Chinese Dragon (Sold on eBay to an unknown buyer, alongside the Bulstrode Prototype, for about $557.10 total).
Facial-Moldings for Thomas, BoCo, and Bill.
Prototype/Test-Concept One Blue Engine Book.
Prototype Thomas (Note: The missing buffers).
Thomas Prototype in Portrait Packaging.
Toby Prototype in Portrait Packaging.
Emily Prototype (July 2002).
Sir Handel Prototype (June 2003).
Early 2000's Bertie Prototype.
Jock Prototype (June 2003).
Sir Topham Hatt Prototype.
Dowager Hatt & Mrs. Kyndley Prototypes.
Rheneas Test-Sample, for sale on eBay by user f_massimino.
1991 Ertl Ad, also featuring Batman, Fireman Sam, Tugs, and John Deer products, among others.
Toys "R" US November 1992 Ad
Several Prototypes seen in an old Catalog
1994 Gold Rail Value Paks Ad
Homewise Catalouge Page with Remote Controlled Thomas (December 1995).
1994 Gold Rail Gift Catalog
1994 Gold Rail Gift Catalog Inside Pages
1995 Ertl Catalog Thomas Pages
2002 Ertl US Catalog Thomas Pages
Display Case (Marvel Comics Issue 153) Promo
Trevor's Mold reused as a Traction-Engine in the 1992 Limited-Edition Matchbox Pack entitled "Foden C type Steam Wagon with Traction Engine".
Two Splatter Models owned by ThomasTankCollectibles, showing the differences in number of coal-speckles present throughout some models.
Ertl Paper Face Henry with Percy's Face
Various Ertl items in the Watercress Line's Gift Shop in the 1990's.