Thomas The Tank Engine Community Central Wiki
Thomas The Tank Engine Community Central Wiki

Julia (Powell) Lang (1921- 1st April 2010) was the narrator of the Untitled 1953 Series BBC Adaptation of The Railway Series, which was ultimately a failure, being cancelled, straight away, after the disastrous pilot-episode. Lang was best known for being the original host of the 1950's radio-program entitled "Listen to Mother" She also played several different characters in television and film, between 1948 and 1988, over a course of fourty-years. She later died on April 1st of 2010, at the age of 88, in Aldeburgh, Suffolk, a town several hours away from her birthplace in London.


  • The Red Shoes (1948)
  • A Date with a Dream (1948)
  • Dr. Morelle: The Case of the Missing Heiress (1949)
  • The Small Back Room (1949)
  • Under Capricorn (1949)
  • Stop Press Girl (1949)
  • Untitled 1953 Series (1953)
  • Coronation Street (1977)
  • Little Dorrit (1988)


  • She was the first television-narrator in the entire history of the franchise, previous narrators only ever did recordings for Railway Series related records, etc. Before 1953, their were no other known attempts at creating a television-series, making her the first of such narrators who would later tell stories for a future television series.

