Thomas The Tank Engine Community Central Wiki
Thomas The Tank Engine Community Central Wiki

Lady Hatt's Birthday Party is the fourth episode of the fifth season. It first premiered on September 17th 1998, in the UK.


One day in the midst of Summer, Bertie questions Thomas and Percy asking them if they too have noticed anything different with The Fat Controller. Percy replies saying that he did see him staring at the sky this morning and wonders why he was doing this. The answer is because it was Lady Hatt's birthday party, and Sir Topham Hatt had picked out a fancy suit just for the occasion. Lady Hatt warns Topham not to be late for her birthday party, he replies that he shall be right on time.

The Fat Controller his at his office were he is about to leave work, to head to the party. He tells the stationmaster that he will take the car, as the engines are busy working. The stationmaster wonders if the car is reliable, to which The Fat Controller replies that it is. However this is soon found untrue when the car receives a flat tyre. He decides not to fix it, as his suit might become dirty in the process, and that would never do at the party.

The Fat Controller soon flags Caroline down as she drives past, and explains his predicament. He gets a ride, but Caroline is prone to overheating and soon breaks down, The Fat Controller says the he will send for help. George arrives and is rude to Caroline, telling her to find a scrapyard. Jem Cole, George's driver is more polite however and gives the Fat Controller assistance, telling him that he will drive him to Thomas' who is taking on water just down the line. George is enjoying himself, but The Fat Controller is not as he has become covered in oil from George. Things soon take a turn for the worst as George breaks down and crashes into a mud-covered ditch, throwing The Fat Controller foot first into the mud.

Thomas is close by, The Fat Controller asks his driver to a ride. He replies that the firemen has become ill, so The Fat Controller happily replies that he will be the fireman until they reach the station. The Fat Controller becomes even dirty, his clothes are in tatters as he is covered in coal dust and soot. He soon arrives at the station, very tried, but determined to arrive at the party on time. He quickly buys a bouquet of flowers, and arrives at the party just in time. He gives the flowers to his wife who is very happy to see him, but laughs stating that she wasn't aware that it was 'fancy dress'. Everyone gets a good chuckle from this, and the party began.


  • The Fat Controller's clothes were in tatters, however they are in much better condition when he arrives inside Kirk Ronan.

